Border Logo
border maze

a border is the separation of one box from another.
in the CSS box model, the border is situated on the rim
of the box between the margin and the padding


• specifies the width of the border of a box
• sides of the box can be given varying widths
• can have numerical value or can be specified as “thin”, “medium”, or ”thick”


• specifies the style of the border of the box
• sides of the box can be given varying styles
• values include: solid, dashed, none, and more


• specifies the color of the border of the box
• sides of the box can be given varying colors
• can be specified with HEX code, RGB, HSL, or
specified color names


• a value which sets the border back to default
• as default for a border style is “none” there will
be no border


• a value which will inherit the same border
styling as the parent element